What Is Farm-to-Face Skincare, and Do I Actually Need It?

When it comes to skincare, the beauty industry has been inconsistent about best practices and changing trends related to buzzwords like “natural” and “organic.” The term Farm-to-Face started appearing in the clean skincare industry, and it's becoming more popular recently. While the term might seem rather self-explanatory, there’s a process behind the organic-sounding phrase that traditional beauty products don’t measure up to.

Farm-to-face beauty harnesses the power of natural, organic, and vegan ingredients, often superfood extracts and highly potent essential oils. This practice eliminates synthetics, preservatives, and toxic elements like parabens and sulfates. Skincare brands that utilize this approach often create products in small batches, ensuring that the result is fresh. From acne face wash to pregnancy-safe lotion, clean ingredients are the key to potent, organic-based formulas.


Organic ingredients often take the forefront of farm-to-face beauty, but some have more proven success combating skin issues than others. For example, hydrating cleanser ingredients that nourish skin at a deeper level include Green & White Tea Leaf Extract and Vegetable Glycerin. Each is filled with natural anti-inflammatory properties and hydrating elements. Traditional body lotions and washes include sulfates and parabens, or chemically produced glycerin, which isn’t as effective as vegetable glycerin for maintaining skin water balance and smoothing dry patches.

While farm-to-face is a great shift in the beauty industry towards more ingredient transparency and better sourcing of proven natural ingredients, choosing brands that are certified organic and nontoxic is still just as important. The United States is notorious for having minimal regulations around product branding, making it easy to slap “organic” or “natural” on a bottle of body wash without it actually being certified organic or have a single natural ingredient.

To combat this unfortunate issue, look for brands that include organic and wild-harvested ingredients, meaning they are grown in their natural environment. This is the essence of farm-to-face and produces healthy results without toxins. Better yet, find brands and products with nontoxic certification. After all, if you’re prioritizing healthy foods and nutrients in your diet that are free of toxins, why not do the same for your personal care products, too?

When you’re checking the ingredients on an acne cleanser or searching for a nontoxic acne face wash, choosing to follow the farm-to-face movement means being aware of the origins of the ingredients and how they’re used in a product. Combat skin issues, from acne to signs of aging, with skincare full of antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Intentionality and harnessing the power of clean formulas is the foundation of farm-to-face beauty. 

About True Botanicals

True Botanicals creates high-performance skincare formulas by combining nontoxic and natural ingredients to target specific skin issues. Their collections include Aging, Acne, Pregnancy, and Rosacea products that deliver uncompromising nourishment and radiant skin.

To browse nontoxic skincare, go to Truebotanicals.com


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