How Traveling Makes Your Skin Breakout and How to Prevent It

Whether for business or pleasure, traveling can be a stressful activity. From triple-checking flight itineraries to packing outfits worthy of Instagram, air travel is complicated and takes necessary planning in advance to make sure it all goes smoothly. You want to be confident and comfortable when traveling, yet inflamed acne breakouts commonly occur during or after traveling for long periods of time. This is seriously inconvenient, and when breakouts and acne turn painful it can seriously damper your day. There are easy ways to prevent acne breakouts and treat them in the air, but they require a bit of planning, just like your vacation itinerary.

Before your trip, plan to take the essentials with you. No need to bring your entire arsenal of skincare products. A hydrating cleanser and face oil moisturizer are excellent basics to combat airplane cabin dryness and stressed out skin. Start hydrating consistently the day before the trip, and plan to drink a few bottles of water during your travel day. Air travel can mess up your internal clock and make it hard to remember when you last time you drank water or ate food. Bring a refillable water bottle and fill it up after getting through security.

Treat your skin to a day off when traveling long distances. Go makeup free and plan on bringing a hydrating serum in your carry-on to use in-flight. Airplanes have 0% humidity inside the cabin, and your skin will want to attach to your makeup because of the lack of moisture, pulling your makeup into your pores. Combat this with regular hydration, using a high quality moisturizer throughout the day, and not touching your face. If you are traveling internationally on a flight that will last longer than six hours, bring along a cleanser to wash your face halfway through. Make sure to continue to hydrate your skin soon after arrival.

Once you arrive, your skin is still in transition mode. Go makeup free as long as possible, washing and hydrating your face at the hotel or vacation home where you’re staying. Your scalp is sensitive to travel too, so bring a hydrating shampoo that combats dandruff and dull hair. If your travel destination is drier than your home environment, continue these tips throughout your trip. For more humid conditions, wash your scalp and cleanse your face on a twice-daily basis.

Your skin will eventually adjust but remember that it has to adapt when you return home, too. To prevent and treat breakouts while traveling, use high quality skincare and personal care products to pamper and protect your skin and hair. True Botanicals creates skincare with natural and safe ingredients that cleanse without stripping and moisturize without blocking pores. Be confident and comfortable in your skin when traveling, whether you’re presenting in front of the board or posing for photos on the beach.

About True Botanicals

True Botanicals creates high-performance skincare formulas by combining nontoxic and natural ingredients to target specific skin issues. Their collections include Prevention, Aging, Acne, Rosacea, and Pregnancy products that deliver uncompromising nourishment and radiant skin.


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